
A platform independent file transfer tool

Copyright 2005, Martin Höller

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The current version is 0.1.5

What is File Beamer?

File Beamer is an easy to use file transfer tool. The programm is platform independent. That means it runs with Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, Linux, Unix and MacOS X.
This is made possible by using Trolltech's Qt Library which provides an easy to use GUI toolkit, networking functions and a lot more.

License Information
File Beamer is free open source software and was released under the GPL license which can be found here along with some other interesting information about free software.
Beeing released under the GPL means that anyone can freely download, use, redistribute the program or change its source code.

Downloading Information
The program can be downloaded in several forms:

  • Installer Package (Windows only)
    This is a standard windows intaller which includes all necessary files.

  • Binary Package with Qt library files
    This package includes all necessary binary files needed to run File Beamer.

  • Binary Package without Qt library files
    This package includes only the executable file. You must have Qt 4.0.0 or higher installed on your system.

  • Source Package The source package includes all source files needed to build the application. Qt 4.0.0 (or higher) development files are needed to compile the source.

The packages can be found in the Download section




  • Installer Package (Windows only)
    Just download and execute the installer. Follow the instructions on the screen. The installer provides the option to generate a start menu entry, a desktop and a quick launch icon.

  • Binary Package with Qt library files
    Download and extract the file to a directory on your harddisk. You don't need to have the Qt library to be installed when using this package.

  • Binary Package without Qt library files
    Download and extract the file to a directory on your harddisk. Because this file includes only the executable file you need to have the following libraries from Qt 4.0.0 (or higher) installed: QtCore4, QtGui4, QtNetwork4. If you don't have these files then download the binary package which includes them or use if you use Windows, download the installer.

  • Source Package Download and extract the source files to a directory on your harddisk. To build File Beamer you must have the Qt 4.0.0 development files installed (version 4.0.0 or higher).
    Build instructions:
    1. qmake (ignore any warnings)
    2. make
    Attention: Don't run 'qmake -project' as it would overwrite the current project file which has some custom changes.


Receiving files:
  1. Click the "Receive" tab
  2. If the receiver is behind a firewall or router, check "reverse connection" and enter the sender's IP or host name. *
  3. Click the "listen" button. The client can now receive files
  4. When receving a file, a "Save as" dialog appears. Choose a place to safe the file.
Sending files:
  1. Click the "Send" tab
  2. If the receiver is behind a firewall or router check "reverse connection" *
    Else input the target IP address or host name and port
  3. Select a file to send either by typing the path or by clicking the "..." button
  4. Click the "Send" button (target must be in listen mode)

* Reverse connections are used if you want to send a file to someone behind a router or firewall. In this case you cannot connect directly to the receiver. So the receiver has to initiate the connection.


Everybody likes screenshots. So here is one taken with version 0.1.5 on Win32:




Package File
Windows installer filebeamer_0.1.5_setup.exewin32
Binary with Qt filebeamer_0.1.5_win32_bin.zipwin32
Binary without Qt filebeamer_0.1.5_exe_win32.zipwin32
Sources filebeamer_0.1.5_src.zipwin32 win32 win32

The packages are available here.



Feel free to report any bugs, suggestions or opinions to the Forum or to this email address: filebeamer@inode.at
